Thursday, 7 May 2009

A very strange bloke!

I am having the most bizarre experience right now with a chap (can't name names) on the net who won't send me his rewritten story for issue 3 as he doubts my identity!!!
It's so funny because I actually offered to publish this bloke as he's never been in print and by the look of his message board posts, was getting downhearted about it. The story was basically good, but needed some work, which I was prepared to do myself.
When I put the story into the dtp to start work on it, I sent him a message asking for an address to send his contributor's copy to. He informed me that there was no need to rewrite for him as he was doing it himself, using the advice of one Mr Worthington as a guideline. Fair enough. However he declared that he could not send me the rewritten text until I could vouch for my identity in public.
The reason for this need for confirmation is apparently due to the fact that I deleted my account,(as it was a personal one) and started a fresh account solely for the purpose of running the magazine, which is all I do on the net now, apart from my lovely blogger blog!
Get this, he actually thought I might be an imposter, setting up an account and pretending to be me just so that I could gain access to his home address. Just his, nobody else's.
This given the fact that all my magazine conversations were still ongoing, etc etc, so I'm obviously me!
I'm afraid to say I absolutely howled, poor sod, I took the piss out of him rotten. His ungraciousness is forgivable, I suppose, him being only 19 and still full of adolescent ludicrousness, but his paranoia level is just so enormous as to afford much entertainment. How unkind I am.
I see another Chris Barker in the making.
I needed to share that as it's still boggling me a bit, I still haven't had the rewritten story I offered to publish. How very, very odd.

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